YRA Adult Prizes...

Did you know that there are prizes for both youth and adults who cover the farthest distance in the categories of walking, running and biking during October’s Youth Resiliency Adventure?


Here’s a peek at what adults (over age 18) have a chance to win.

  • The adult who walks the greatest distance wins a pair of JBL Harmon Bluetooth Earbuds.
  • The adult who runs the greatest distance wins a Garmin Vivio Smart HR.
  • The adult who bikes the greatest distance wins a Fuji Candy Apple Red Finest Bike.

Join the Youth Resiliency Adventure; and, make moves to make a difference during National Substance Abuse Prevention Month! Visit www.YRAdventure.com to register now.

The Youth Resiliency Adventure month-long virtual athletic event for youth and adults to either Walk, Run, or Bike a personal distance goal during the month of October. 

The Youth Resiliency Adventure, promoted on social media with the hashtag, #YRAdventure2nAddiction, was created to raise funds to prevent youth addiction, increase awareness of youth addiction, and encourage healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.